On Halloween and Cultural Appropriation


from the link above…..”Snoop Dogg’s “Gin and Juice” isn’t about Trick or Treating with his family; the song is about Snoop’s teen days in Long Beach, which belong to him — warts and all. De-contextualizing (removing it from its context) his music and obscuring the history behind it is a form of erasure and, let’s be honest here, a form of racism.”


When is it okay? Is this video okay or offensive?  What do you think?

JJ, your classmate, in a brilliant blog post wrote this about cultural appropriation:

People are willing to take everything except our oppression. They’ll take the Native American headdress but leave behind the reservations. They’ll take the hijabs and leave behind the stares and constant surveillance and suspicions. The thing about them and black face is that they can choose to take it off. They can wipe off the distasteful makeup and still go about with their lives with privilege and respect still intact.

Please comment.


Monotheistic Idea

The idea of a universal, singular God is perhaps the greatest religious innovations of the Jewish tradition among the world’s historic religious systems. Between 1500 and 500 BCE, the Israelite people of the ancient Near East began to think of a radical new understanding of god. The ancient Hebrews were most likely “polytheistic,” believing in numerous gods. God even had a wife. Eventually, however, early Hebrew prophets began to preach of one God as the creator of all existence, a view we have come to call “monotheism.”

Early Hebrew authors gave God names such as Elohim (Christians point to this as proof of the Trinity) (“gods”), Adonai (“my lord”), and the unpronounceable YHWH, from the same root as the verb “to be,” the etymological source of the name “Jehovah.”

Watch the following video- especially after the two minute mark to see how monotheism developed.

