Revolutions: The Crane Brinton Project

We had to do a metaphorical piece on Crane Briton’s theory. His theory is that all revolutions go through stages. Briton believed that every revolution started with problems with the “Old Regime”. This is where raising dissatisfaction, usually, the economy is broken and poor. Usually results in the government taking taxes. The ruler is usually poor and the people demand change. If they do not get change this results in the next stages. “Rule of Moderates”, Eventually, moderates begin to take charge. Protests start breaking out. The problem with these mobs is that typically, they confuse things that they need with things that they want. This leads to the next stage “Rule of the Radicals”.  Now, the Radicals take control. Radicals take action much quicker. Use killing the Moderates for examples showing their rule. Now, war has broken out. And the people attempt to kill their leader that had resulted in the enactment of this revolution in the first place. The last stage is “Thermidorian Reaction” this is the recovery stage. The radicals are taken down and rule comes back to autocrats. Then, things slowly go back to peace.

Throughout researching, I found out that not all revolutions work with Crane Briton’s theory. In my project, I made a record player showing that revolutions go in a circle. I also made three CDs showing examples of his theory. Some of them work and others didn’t. For example, the French revolution fully spins and it gives the order of the revolutions on the CDs. But say the American revolution only had 1/2 of the cd filled because it only had two steps of Crane Briton’s theory. So in Conclusion, Crane Briton’s theory is only correct for certain revolutions.–1rMtbcUGom8q8mn1NfLrubqf

Stuff Assignment (S2)

This is the link for my journey and picture ⬆️

Tracking My Basketball Shoe 

I knew I wanted to track a basketball shoe since all I mostly do is hoop.  So I started off with my Harden Volume 5 basketball shoe and I just went to the Adidas website. I went to the California Transparency in Supply Chain Act and it said the website was down but it had other links so I clicked on the link that said gameplan a. It then took me to a podcast link and I listened to the podcast on this lady ‘Angela Mantilla. She is the Manager of Footprint Analytics. She explains how her scientific thinking has helped drive difficult decision-making and why when it comes to sustainability it’s better to start simple. But ultimately she didn’t go into too much detail about the workers, so I switched over to Nike because I have many Nike shoes like Durants and Kyriesd. So I went to the Nike website and scrolled down to Sustainability and went to CA Supply Chains Act. It took me to “NIKE, INC. STATEMENT ON FORCED LABOR, HUMAN TRAFFICKING AND MODERN SLAVERY FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 2021”. I then scrolled through the document and went to Nike Manufacturing Map and it took me to this really useful site where it tells you where all Nike Products are made. So I filtered it to Nike, Footwear, and Finished Goods. I then went to Choose a Location and I decided to do India. I told me it was 5 Factories and 29,916 workers and 70 .8% are female and the average age is 30. So after that, I exported the data and look up 2 of the 5 factories. The first one was Fairway Enterprises and I tried to get in touch with them I texted them through this website. His name was Mr. Raja but he never got back to me. But I looked at the reviews on the places and I got some input and pictures on the place. kavinkumar ks said, “This company vrey vrey dangerous.” He also provided pictures of the building. Dass Kuppusamy said, “The Worst behavior, treat like animals”. And there were many more like this. I could have easily called one of these people and asked them about the place they worked at but my mom said it’s too expensive to call outside of the USA. This project made me realize how fortunate I am that when I grow up in America I won’t have to be treated like an animal while working.

Revolutions: Stuck (S2)

This year and in previous years I’ve always felt stuck when it comes to history. I try to pay attention in class and take good notes but when it comes to assignments and tests it is hard for me to remember things and then I get frustrated and just don’t do it. This year has been one of the toughest years ever and it is hard for me to deal with it. I just transferred from public to private school and moved to a whole new state. I just see that my classmates understand all of their assignments and get them turned in and it honestly just feels like I’m the dumbest person in the classroom. Most of my classmates have been in private school their whole lives so it is just hard to compete with them. It’s just been difficult adapting to this new life since everything used to come easy for me. But I feel like I have a great teacher but it’s still hard. I just sometimes don’t wanna ask for help because I don’t wanna be treated like an I’m a charity case or something.

Revolutions: Class Discussion (S2)

I had a dream one night that we had a class discussion. The next day in class I asked the question… “If God told you if you would go to Heaven or Hell before you came on this earth, would you live your life good or bad?”

It was great hearing the different responses but I feel like my response is a little different than most people’s. If God told me “Jordyn you’re going to Hell” (in a God-like voice), I would live my life confused. I would be confused at the fact why me? What would I do so bad that I would go to hell? I would be fear the unknown so much that it would drive me crazy and probably do something bad. I would mostly try to live my life well and pray for good and ask him to rethink his decision. I would just be worried all the time and at one point just get really depressed and commit suicide or something then that would be the reason I go to hell.

If God told me “Jordyn you’re going to Heaven” (in a God-like voice again), I think I would live my life good but not scared I would be cockier I think. I would probably sin a lot more since I knew I would be going to Heaven anyway. I would be scared to do anything, I would do stupid stuff like go on a crazy high rollercoaster, skydive, swim with the sharks, or even eat the spiciest hot sauce. I would live my life to the fullest and not be scared to do anything. But also since if God would tell everyone if they would go to heaven or hell everyone would know the afterlife exists and everyone would technically have the same religion and different wars wouldn’t have happened because of this but I feel like humans would still be the way they are today with the violence. Say for instance someone that’s going to Hell walks up to you and says, Are you going to heaven? and you reply yes and he robs you and kills you just because you will eventually go to Heaven.

I would not wanna live in a society where everyone knows their fate. So I’m glad God or who every our higher power is didn’t make our world know our fate. But the question “If God told you if you would go to Heaven or Hell before you came on this earth, would you live your life good or bad?” is just a question to see how people really are.


Revolutions: Renaissance (S2)

After Religions, we learned about the Renaissance. With that, we started talking about the School of Athens. The school of Athens consists of all the greatest men who created something from their knowledge. Humanism made them important because that was the big thing at the time. There are artists and scholars and the “smart men” ruling everything. This is when Perspective, People drawn with natural features- people look like they look like without being idealized- and it is non-religious art was first started using. This famous art was made by Raphael at the Apostolic Palace. It is located in what used to be the Pope’s library. This is important because the painting is not religious, and focuses on humans instead of god.

After the School of Athens, we talked about some famous Renaissance people. Leon Alberti was a very VERY remarkable guy as he says. This man wrote about himself being this great human being doing everything. Mirandola was a very wise man and I personally like his thoughts and beliefs because he believed that people were above angels. He believed that humans were the second most powerful thing and humans on earth just didn’t reach their full potential yet. 

We also did this criminal investigation to see ‘Who killed the Medicis’ and it was fun but I also learned that the church was corrupt because the Pope wanted money to make the church he forgot about the real importance of the church. The Pope did not kill Lorenzo but he was very much involved in his murder. The Duke of Urbino did it but the Pope basically told him to do it. This assignment was just to show us how the church was very corrupt.




This semester I’ve really enjoyed this class a lot. It’s hard for me to really learn the material and I don’t know why. I understand it when I’m in class but outside of class, I don’t remember anything. I tried to work on better studying habits but it never seems to work. I love learning about all the different religions and learning different perspectives on things but when it gets time for a test of a pop quiz and am totally lost. So in conclusion, I’m trying to change next semester is to try to ask even more questions and ask my teacher for more help.

When I had Covid

When I had Covid it was a very rough time for me. I went to a haunted house with my teammate for Halloween in 2020. There were a lot of people there and I didn’t think much about it at the time but looking back at it everyone should have had a mask on. A couple days later my two of my teammates tested positive for covid and they both had symptoms. I still did not think I had Covid at the time because I didn’t have any symptoms. I was supposed to be going to Puerto Rico for a birthday trip the following week. but to get to Puerto Rico you had to get tested for Covid. so my whole family got tested and it turns out me, my mom, and my best friend had Covid. I was really upset because my dad still want to Puerto Rico for my birthday trip. he was sending me all these pictures bragging about how much fun he was having while I was trapped in the house on my birthday. I didn’t have any symptoms so it made it worse because I just felt like I was sitting in the house doing nothing.


Theism is the belief in some kind of god or gods, while atheism is the lack of belief in a god or gods. Among theists, monotheism is the belief in a single god, like, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. While polytheism is the belief in multiple gods, like, Shintoism, Thelema, Wicca, druidism, Taoism, Asatru, and Candomble. Take into consideration that henotheism is a belief in multiple gods, though one is more important than the others. Like Hinduism.  Modern faiths include a variety of monotheistic, polytheistic, and atheistic beliefs.

Muslim Funeral

My Dad’s uncle passed away and he was Muslim. I didn’t know what the funeral would really be like but my dad asked me to go with him. I was wondering why the funeral had to be so soon. He said the body had to be buried in like 24 hours so I thought that was different from what I was used to. When I got there, he was in a wooden box but I never looked at the body because I am scared of dead bodies.  So when the ceremony started they said normal things you would say at a funeral.  Then the Imam asked all the Muslims to come up and pray over the body. They said these chants over and over again. I didn’t really understand what they meant but I just started crying. After the ceremony, was over we went to the cemetery. They put the body on the ground the faced him towards the east and took him out of the box then all the Muslim men covered him in the dirt. I started crying again but my dad said to me this is the way he wanted to go and that he wanted to be put on the ground and be natural. This experience really stuck with me and it really opened my eyes to another religion.

Religious Holidays

Christmas-  is an annual festival that celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ,   on December 25 a religious and cultural celebration among billions of people around the world.

Day of the Dead-  a holiday for remembering and honouring those who have passed. It is a festive, joyous time of celebration.

Diwali- a celebration of victory over evil, light over darkness and knowledge over ignorance. Many things are done to ward off evil spirits such as lighting lamps, making rangoli patterns and lighting fireworks. It is also a time of new beginnings and a celebration of the Hindu New Year.

Hanukkah- the Jewish festival lasting eight days marked by the successive kindling of eight candle. Connected with Jews or Judaism.

Easter- a Christian holiday that celebrates the belief in the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Although a holiday of high religious significance in the Christian faith, many traditions associated with Easter date back to pre-Christian, pagan times.

Ramadan- the ninth month of the Islamic calendar. It is a special month for Muslims. Because Ramadan is the month when Muslim practice one of the most important pillars of Islam which is Fasting.