
For this assignment, i went around my house to find something that I use or wear every day and I came across my AirPods. After scrolling through apples website I scrolled to the bottom of the website and at the bottom, I discovered a small link called supplier responsibility. After This I was pulled to another page that I again scrolled down on and I found another link called suppliers that was under resources. That link led me to a PDF that had over 30-50 countries that had them. Now this is where my journey ends because I have no we’re else to trace down so now I guess I have a better understanding of where I get my stuff from.

History Test

Today we had a history test. At first, it was on Monday w=but we convinced Mr.McD to push it back a day. Ok so for preparation I went home after practice and I study for about an hour or two and then I stopped and came back to test my self but the thing about that was that it was kinda hard for me to study because of some of the questions. It wasn’t that the questions were hard I just didn’t know how to answer them at all, so the whole week before that I was stressed. As soon as I got to school Monday I had a feeling I was gonna fail the test the next day because I didn’t know some of this stuff. When I got home it was a struggle for me at first but then I started to get the hang of the answers and it started to stick to my brain. This morning at study hall I spent all of that free time studying for the test after lunch and I felt pretty good. Once I got to history class I wasn’t scared at all, I just needed to lock in a bit and remember what I studied for. When I started I went to all the questions I straight up knew then I went to the hard questions and I had to really think about it, but at the end of the day I got it I just don’t know if the answers was really detailed enough but all i know is I got them right.

This I believe project

This I believe Project was a very very helpful project. This project really helped you express your feelings and let you speak freely on a topic that you believed in. When doing this project for me I got very deep into the project because it was on a topic I felt I could freely talk about. As a kid, I didn’t really go to church or anything else because my parents didn’t want me to worry about my religion or worry about what I believed in until I got older. As I got older I finally understand what I believe in and now I have a closer relationship with God. I feel over the years I have grown to be a very observant and quiet but also a religious person. Whenever we talk about religion it gets me more engaged in the conversation because as I said before I’m a very religious person. I believe that it is a greater spirit above me which is God in my opinion. As my life goes on I have to choose between being a Christian or being a Muslim because on my dad’s side most of my family is Christian but on my mom’s side, most of the family is Muslim. For me, this is a difficult decision because I don’t want to disappoint one side of the family because then I just can’t live that way. So at this moment, I’m nothing right now and I’m working my way up there to make my final decision.

Post #3

Hey, Mr.Mcdonnell. This week I would like to talk about the fun we have been having in class and the short story of “The Tiger and The Strawberry” and 2 quick questions at the end. Ok so first I wanna talk about the fun we have been having in class. Where do I start, there has been many times where we have had fun and I really hope I keep this class and keep my classmates because I really  do appreciate what you do for us, and I like the way you are as a teacher and I just want to say keep up the same job and I am grateful to have you as a teacher. Also I wanna say we should keep the first teams that we had for gim-kit, because my team was really good and I personally think we will win most competitions and do very good in group projects. Next I wanna talk about “The Tiger and The Strawberry”. I feel like the little twist at the end should not have happened because the man was going to die anyway it was just a distraction that was very unnecessary but also caught me and most likely other people off guard. I honestly think that the distraction of him eating the strawberry has a deep meaning that we as the readers would have to figure out, but us as readers cannot figure it out because it has a surprise short ending that could actually mean something. If i had to figure out the meaning it would probably be we as human beings should appreciate the small or little things because it could help us in the long run, but if we focus on the little things to much it could cause benefits that distract us from also focusing on the big things or the important things in the world that could have an impact on us bigtime. I think that its unfair the author gave us a unfair situation because the man literally had no chance of surviving, because there were two lions and a mouse that was nibbling on the vine and I just think the author is trying to convey even though you can go through a lot of obstacles there is going to be one that you can’t do anything about.


Ok on to my short questions: Can you limit the solo presentations and put more group presentations? because I like to interact with my fellow classmates

And last question: What would you rather be…. a buddhist or a Hindu?

That’s it I’ll see you tomorrow, Byeeeeeee.

So today we basically went over dharma and karma and what it would be like if we had a serious situation where it was between picking your family or friend for the greater good even if it hurt them mentally and physically. Today I really enjoy how we went into different groups and explained a time that was very difficult because we had to choose between different options that could hurt the people in different ways rather if it was for a good reason or a bad reason  Today in this class I think that activity really helps build are overall confidence and are team bonding. These types of ativities are very useful/helpful because they can translate in the future and we can actually use our voice for the things we need or need to say.

My Thoughts

Today we went over things that we reviewed over the past couple of days. Today I really like how we had the opportunity to have a quiz to work on by our self and then have a chance to share are answers with the group you were assigned to and then turn in the paper full of answers that you and your group choosed or wrote. So far I think Religions and Revolutions is one of my best classes besides algebra and english. The stuff that we are reading now and doing for homework has really got me engaged in the class. I definitely appreciate the way Mr. McDonnell is teaching this class and the way he is approaching us into new subjects. I like doing more group projects rather than solo because, I like to cooperate with other classmates about a subject that we can all agree on. I’m excited to do projects in the future and presentate them to my fellow classmates/with them also. I’m just very interested of what’s going to happen in the future and how this class is gonna go and the different/new stuff I am going to learn throughout this year.