Yes – you can have it both ways. You want the students to see work that you have assigned in their to-do list and “Coming Up” list on the right side of their window but you DON’T want to grade the work or assign points to it. Here’s how.
Author: Alex Pearson
Manage Remote and In-Person Cohorts From the System Page
You can look up an individual student and add them to a cohort but the following method is more efficient if you have a bunch to do at once.
View Past, Ended, or Concluded Courses in Canvas
Looking for something you did over the summer or last year in Canvas? You can see it. Here’s how. “Past, Ended, Concluded” all mean the same thing. You can see these courses
Subscribe to your Class Calendar on Veracross
See your class meeting times in your google calendar.
Add Courses Drop Courses Switch Sections: for Admins
Canvas admins have the ability to add courses, drop courses, and switch sections. Teachers can add students and switch sections but they cannot drop students from their rosters.