
Punisher Season 2 Recap

WARNING: SPOILERS The Punisher season two came out on January 18 with Jonny Bernthal as the famous comic book character Frank Castle, or The Punisher. The main villain is Billy Russo, A.K.A. Jigsaw, who is from the comics. There is a side villain named John Pilgrim. His character isn’t in the comics so he was made up for the show. Giorgia Whigham plays the new character Amy Bendix who was a runaway teen that Frank protects from getting killed from John’s army. Frank takes Amy with him on his journey, and this forms an amazing relationship between the two. Amber Rose Revah plays Dinah Madani who is a Department Of Homeland Security (DHS) Agent who was in the last season. She appears this season and plays a major part in taking down Billy. After the last season, Billy Russo is in the hospital getting his face fixed up from the…

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