Pokémon Let’s Go Review

Pokémon is a wonderful series of games with inventive villains, a wide variety of Pokémon with several generations of them, and epic battles against wild Pokémon. Pokémon Lets Go! has none of that. The villains are Jessie and James, some of the worst characters in the anime. They just want to steal Pikachu for 98% of the episodes with some terrible disguise and giant elaborate machine. The wide expanse of Pokémon has so far been shown to have all generation-1 Pokémon with Alolan forms, megas, and hopefully shinies. And worst of all there is no wild Pokémon battles. None at all. All you do is throw pokéballs at them like in Pokémon Go. The battles against trainers are lackluster and the game has the mass EXP share which makes it way too easy. Your rival has an expressionless face and enormous eyes, but the characters other then him are all more expressive and actually blink. The few good things are that the Overworld now has wild Pokémon moving around freely in the tall grass and you actually have to run in to them. Your Pokémon follow you which means Pokémon channels are going to have a riot in the streets.(comedic embellishment)  All in all this game has major flaws in the mechanics but the games graphics are beautiful even with the cartoonish proportions. I have never felt more inside of a Pokémon game than when I watched the videos. The game gets my official rating (not really) of 7/10, not worth the $60 but still an ok game.


by Oliver Angert ’24

About the Author

Oliver, troll puzzle writer, Smeargle enthusiast, and Shaman main.
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