The Sixth Grade Derivative Project

For the last couple weeks, the sixth grade has been working on the biggest project of the sixth grade year. We had been given a word in Latin ( example Sonus – Sound) to study, and find words that derive from it, in different languages. For 3 days we worked on finding the derivatives of the Latin word we were given. After that, we started to map out the project idea for the biggest part of the project. A few days after that, we had to share our ideas with our classmates and they had to give feedback. Than the building process began, we got our materials and started building. We had 11 school days to build our projects, one of the days was a full day of only working on our derivative project.

The presentation was in Room 10, we set up tables along the perimeter of Room 10. Each table had 1-3 projects on it, projects varied from large to small. Mr. Tozer would come around with his iPad and airdrop it on the room ten TV. All the students would have their time to stand up and talk to the group of people and students. We would talk about what we did for our project, what our word was, our favorite derivative, and how we made our projects. Parents would walk around Room 10 and ask questions to all the kids.

After the presenting portion of the project there was a little amount of food given out. Parents were allowed to take pictures of everyone, next to their project. After that if parents wanted to they could take home their kids projects home if they wanted to. The students would take a survey to help the future 6th graders and make their derivative project better. In the end the derivative project was really challenging ( We need more time, everybody rushed on the last day) but it was a lot of fun.


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