Rage Inducing Puzzles #4

Welcome to Rage Inducing Puzzles #4! As previously mentioned, there are a whole ton of points up for grabs. And the answers to last week’s puzzles are…

  1. 000000. Since there are 1000, 100, and 10, you must add six zeros to the end. 12 pts
  2. Separate the weights into three groups of 9 each. Weigh two against each other. If one of them is heavier, then that is the group that the second weighing will be done to. If neither is, then the third group is. Split the mentioned group into 3 groups of 3 and repeat. For the final weighing, weigh the 3 weights individually. 18 pts
  3. Put one chip from the first group, two chips from the second group, etc. up to all ten from the last group, all at once. Subtract 225 grams from the result to find the number of the heavier group. 15 pts
  4. Telephone. 13 pts
  5. 31. 15 pts
  6. Wednesday. 14 pts
  7. It’s not a statement- it’s a question. 12 pts
  8. It’s not a paragraph- it’s only one sentence. 13 pts
  9. The paragraph doesn’t have any e’s- the most common letter in the English language. 23 pts
  10. The first person has $4500 and the second person has $7500. 15 pts.

Over the three sets of puzzles, there are now 260 RIP points available to players.

260 = Most impressive.

235-259 = Almost perfect so far.

200-234 = You’re doing great!

165-199 = Pretty good!

125-164 = Not too bad!

80-124 = Keep practicing!

45-79 = Maybe you’ll do better next time.

10-44 = Remember to think outside the box.

1-9 = Come on, you got this!

1 = No comment.

-2 = …

Onto this week’s Rage Inducing Puzzles!

  1. Divide 30 by ⅓.
  2. Write the numbers from 10-1 backwards.
  3. If 3 cats can catch 3 rats in 3 minutes then how many cats can catch 99 rats in 99 minutes?
  4. If 7,345,863 cats can catch 1,375,364,586,374,586,385,736,153,862,375,364 rats in 435,850,143 minutes, then how long will it take 698,623,385 cats to catch 7,374,374,495,153,548,495,420,549,757,977,345,648,643,876,865 rats?
  5. If 3 witches can watch 5 watches, 7 witches can watch 13 watches, and 12 witches can watch 23 watches, then how many watches can 50 witches watch?
  6. Two times A is B. Two times B is C. Two times C is D. What is the four-digit number ABCD?
  7. A man is asked if a child is his son. He makes three true statements.
    1. What’s the child’s relation to the man?
    1. I have no brothers.
    2. The child’s father’s father is my father.
    3. The child isn’t my son.
  8. Follow the instructions below.
    1. Think of a country that starts with D.
    2. Think of an animal that starts with the last letter of that country.
    3. Think of a fruit that starts with the last letter of that animal.
  9. I’m thinking of a number. If you multiply my number by itself, you have the number 4. If my number isn’t 2, then what is it?
  10. If you divide a number by 5, the remainder is 2. If you divide the number by 9, the remainder is 4. If you divide the number by 11, the remainder is 1. If the number has 2 digits, what is it?

About the Author

Seth Casel
Seth is the author of Rage Inducing Puzzles, Hexudoku, and How To Square Anything. He currently takes math at the Upper School and, as his profile picture suggests, is very good at taking screenshots of virtual creatures. He enjoys reading, math, playing video games, playing chess, and coming up with more rage inducing puzzles!
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