Choose Your Own Adventure: Third and Final Edition

Well, well, well. Congrats. You’ve made it pretty far. But do you have what it takes to end the war once and for all? Or will you fall in the hands of the Fathers of Anarchy, and fail the entire world? With your wits, you just might survive… You just might.


You find yourself in front of the main building. A large barbed wire fence surrounds a huge ten story building. After saying goodbye to the girl that helped you so much, you stepped into the Sphere and came here. This is it. The fate of the world falls in your hands. THE WORLD! You blast the fence open with your taser. This is it. You climb the fence and step towards the building. This is it. You open the door, leading to a large hallway. This is it. A man at the front desk sees you and fires. This is it. You don’t have time for him. You run past him and into the elevator. You go to the final floor, where the leader is. You get there. Hiding behind a crate, you stare on. In the room is a young muscular man, obviously the leader, talking to an old man in chains. “What time is our guest coming?” says the leader. The old man doesn’t answer. “What time!” yells the leader through gritted teeth. “N-n-n-now sir. . .” stutters the old man. Now you recognize him. The old man is the creator of the Sphere! You jump away just in time while the crate explodes. He points his taser gun directly at you. Your hand instantly goes to your taser gun. It appears you are in a western standoff. You think. You can attempt to dodge, try to shoot before him, fake a shot, or try to convince him of the upcoming end of the world. If you dodge, go to 29. If you shoot him, go to 30. If you fake a shot, go to 31. If you try to convince him, go to 32.


You find yourself in front of a huge skyscraper. You start to sneak forward. You break open a window and climb in. Taking the unused stairs, you climb to the top, when you are ambushed by four robots from Fathers of Anarchy. You have two choices. If you run, go to 33. If you fight, go to 34.


You attempt to dodge, but he’s too good. There’s no hope now. . .


Your hand grabs the gun, but you’re not quick enough. . .


You fake a shot, but he shoots you anyway. You have no idea what you were thinking. . .


“Stop!”, you cry, “You have no idea what you’re doing!” “Talk quickly, and I might spare you,” the leader says. “I’ve come from the future. I’m not from this age. The robots may win the war, but eventually they turn against humanity and destroy it! You are trying to end the world. Your goal of chaos ends when the robots seek out and kill every last human on the planet! What are you trying to pull here! The world is going to end and it is your fault!” you yell, knowing that this is now or never. He looks at you, and you barely notice a tear falling down his face. He turns around, much to your surprise, and destroys the device controlling the robots. The war is over, because of you. Congrats. You made it. . .


You run, dodging as many bullets as you can. You crouch behind a crate, and it is blasted open by one of their shots. You run around the corner into the next hallway, one of their bullets quickly embedding itself into your leg. You fall, and limp into a closet and hide yourself there. You hear the robots run past the closet. You jump out and stun each one. They drop to the ground, and you continue through the skyscraper limping. As you walk by, you come to a sudden turn, which you think will lead straight to the meeting. However, you have no way of knowing if they’ll shoot you on sight when you get to the meeting. You do see an air vent you could easily break open and travel through, but you don’t know if it will lead to the meeting. You have two choices. If you take the hallway, go to 35. Otherwise, go to 36.


You pull out your taser with lightning speed and shoot one of the robots and stun him. You jump to the side as one of the robots tries to shoot you, and you grab his gun and disarm him. The disarmed robot swipes his claw at you but you duck just in time. The last two robots start to shoot you so you grab the disarmed robot and throw him in front of you and use him as a shield. One of the two robots left shoots your taser and destroys it. You’re stuck, weaponless, with two guns pointed at your head. The rest of the fight is up to chance. Choose between 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, or 42. Go to that segment.


You lean against the wall and start limping slowly down the hallway, your taser gun ready. You’re walking down, when you start to hear talking. You made it to the meeting! But they’re not talking about the war. They’re talking about an intruder in the building, and about a bomb to kill him. You realize with horror that they know you’re here. You try to run, but the bomb quickly goes off. . .


You blast the air vent open and start crawling through the air system. You hear voices, which is probably the sound of the meeting, so you go towards it. The voices start to sound really close, and you get really excited. You crawl quickly, but are stopped quickly by a buff man with a rifle. “You stop here,” he says gruffly. There’s no point in running, you’ll never escape. You’ll have to fight. Choose either 43, 44, or 45. Go to that segment.


You look around the room, looking for any kind of thing you can use against the robots. To your left you see a small water fountain, and you realize that the water will tamper with the robot’s wiring. You grab both of their hands and throw them into the water fountain and run the faucet. One robot gets destroyed, but the final one turns and runs down the hallway. You hear an explosion and realize at there was a trap set up for you and the robot triggered it. Everyone in the meeting heard it, and gathers around the hole from the explosion. You explain that in the future the robots that these people are creating destroy the world. Because of you the war ends, and the world lives. Congrats. . .


You try to fight, but the robots quickly kill you. . .


You put up a very good fight, loud enough for the meeting to hear it. They find out about the plot of the Fathers of Anarchy. However you don’t make it out of the fight. You saved the world, but you didn’t make it out alive. . .


You manage to fight the robots off but injure your leg. You continue down the hallway and come to the hallway leading directly to the meeting, but it is so barren, it looks so much like a trap. You can also go through the air vents, but it might not lead to the meeting. If you take the hallway turn to 35. Otherwise, go to 36.


The robots are much too good for you. This is the end. . .


You nearly fight them off, but you don’t make it. . .


You manage to stun the buff man after an intense fight. You continue on and get to the meeting. You tell all the people that the world will end, and they stop the war. You are forever recognized as an international hero. Great job. . .


The buff man is too much for you. . .


You wrestle with the man, and accidentally throw yourselves off of the edge to the floor. The entire meeting looks at you in surprise. With a lot of trouble you manage to stop the war from starting by convincing the meeting people to to stop what they are doing. You did it. . .

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