One Step Away and The Phoenix Inquirer

Image by One Step Away

Image by One Step Away

One Step Away is an organization that raises awareness of the significant problem of homelessness in the Philadelphia area. One Step Away publishes a newspaper written by homeless individuals; members of this population buy copies of the paper for $0.25 each. In order to make a living, they sell One Step Away for $1.00 per copy on the streets of downtown Philadelphia. According to One Step Away’s website, “One Step Away has a twofold purpose: One, to offer those without shelter meaningful income opportunities and personal growth, and, two, to backlight the scourge of homelessness and lack of affordable housing in the Philadelphia area to bring forward solutions and changes so that everyone enjoys the shelter they deserve.”

The Phoenix Inquirer staff decided to partner with One Step Away to raise money for the organization and to raise awareness of the problem of homelessness in our area. On January 17, the staff held a bake sale in which they gave a copy of One Step Away, the organization’s newspaper, to anyone who purchased a baked good. This service group raised a total of $80.25 for the homeless writers of this wonderful newspaper. The Phoenix Inquirer hopes to continue a partnership with this sensational organization.

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