Search the Internet

A search engine is a tool that helps you to find websites for your research. But how can you tell which websites have accurate information? The Internet is a great source of information, but the information is only useful when it is accurate. Ask yourself these questions to evaluate whether a website is a useful resource for your research:

  • Who is the author or sponsor and what are the author’s qualifications or credentials?
  • What type of information is provided?
  • When was the information created? last updated or revised?
  • Where is the information coming from- is the domain a .com, .edu, .gov, .org
  • Why is the information posted; to educate, to inform, to present unbiased views, to entertain, to sell or entice?

GOOGLE is the most popular search engine, but the websites it finds are sometimes inappropriate or too hard for kids to use.  Try KID REX and ASK KIDS instead. 

kidrex Kid Rex is a special search engine for kids.  Click on it and give it a try. Click on Ask Kids and type in your question.
google If you don’t find what you need using the other search engines, try GOOGLE