NM butterflies

Colorado hairstreak, Hypaurotis crysalus, ventral wing surfaces, at 8000 feet in oak and pine. Santa Fe Co., NM.

Colorado hairstreak, Hypaurotis crysalus, dorsal wing surfaces, at 8000 feet in oak and pine. Santa Fe Co., NM.

Orange skipperlings, Copaeodes aurantiaca, mated pair, Gila, Grant Co., NM

Queen butterfly, Danaus gilippus, Gila, Grant Co., NM.

Weidemeyer’s Admiral, Limenitis weidemeyerii, Aspen Vista trail, 9200 feet, Santa Fe National Forest, Santa Fe Co., NM.

Checkered white, Pontia protodice; Ponderosa pine forest, 8000 feet, Chamisa trail, Santa Fe National Forest, Santa Fe Co., NM.