Sitting Still and Stress

The Art of Stillness is a TED Book on… well… sitting still.  As with all TED Books, it is a one sitting type of read and has a thought provoking companion TED talk.  I read the book over the weekend and continue to contemplate the following passages:

“Researchers in the new field of interruption science have found that it takes an average of twenty-five minutes to recover from a phone call.  Yet such interruptions come every eleven minutes – which means we’re never caught up with our lives.”    Chapter 4

“Yet it’s precisely those who are busiest, I wanted to tell her, who most need to give themselves a break.  Stress is contagious, studies have found. ” Chapter5

“The greatest weapon against stress is our ability to choose one thought over another.”  Chapter 1

As we go from one busy season, the opening of the school year, to what is for many of us another busy season, the “holiday” season, how can we choose the right thoughts, give ourselves a break, and let ourselves get caught up with our lives?  I certainly don’t know the answer but if you do please let me know.

Reading of the Week:

With so many articles on the advantage of reading/writing on paper vs. technology I found this article to be helpful in presenting the other side of the argument.

Kids do well if they can is a short article that remind us the importance of empathy and foundational skills in all aspects of life.

Video to watch:

This video discusses strategies for helping students who struggle with attention.

Inspiration for the Week:

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